Responding to Chaos

Today we had the opportunity of talking with Tevin & Morgan Lucas about their journey of being newlyweds, new parents, and uprooting their entire life in the midst of it all. When life gets hard you have the ability to choose how to respond to the chaos. You can fight and let it ruin your marriage or you can choose to face it head-on together and grow! If you choose to grow you will look back one day and use it as a foundation for future challenges that may come your way.

Your marriage requires you to be a team. Teammates cheer each other on. Teammates win together. Teammates lose together. Teammates grow together.

Tevin is the founder of where they focus on suicide prevention across the nation. He also is planting a campus for his church in Tempe AZ. Follow Tevin on instgram.

Morgan is the founder of Lunawear in Nashville TN. Follow her on Instagram.




Communication Can Save Your Marriage


FOO (Family Of Origin)