From Pit to Promise

Join us as we share honestly about two summers ago when Julian came home and told me that he had lost his job, I was in shock. In that moment I knew that I was faced with a choice to react out of fear or take a breath and react from a place of love. By the grace of God, I chose the latter. We talk openly and honestly about what the past two years have been like for us and what we have learned. Julian opens up about what it was like to grieve the loss of what he thought that he would do for the rest of his life, as well as what it has been like to pivot and trust God with the details. He shares how wives can support their husbands when they are walking through a season of struggle.

Let’s all be honest; we want the pretty and the perfect in marriage, and the truth is life is hard, and tough things happen. We must be able to be strong and stand firm in what we know that we are meant to do. These last two years have taught us so much and we have learned to lean on each other more than ever before.

Cheers to tears.




Comparison Kills


Romantic Communication